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image of schematics and text: Engineering

The Engineering Department for the Midway Sewer District is multi-faceted and  able to assist our customers with a variety of sewer needs.

Property owners, contractors, developers and real estate agents will find the  friendly engineering staff is quite helpful when detailed information is needed  in short order. From determining the best way to serve a neighborhood, community  or property to calculating the customer’s financial obligations, we can help.

Engineers and builders who contact the Engineering staff for fees, rates, and charges  discover how quickly we are able to provide information so plans are not delayed unnecessarily.

When the exact location of a sewer facility is needed the Engineering Department will  provide maps as well as ‘field markings’ to aid in identifying where the sewers are.

The Engineering Department also issues all construction related permits and conducts  the inspections to insure our quality system is maintained.

Please provide at least 2 hours notice for sewer inspections.

Contact our Engineering Department by phone at (206) 824-4960 for answers to many of  your sewer related questions.